Pontika Aerotech Limited, a leading Aerosols Contract Research & Manufacturing Services Organization located in the peaceful town of Paonta Sahib, Himachal Pradesh, is conducting a walk-in interview for talented individuals with a passion for excellence. With cutting-edge technology, an innovation-driven culture, and a strong emphasis on quality, we offer an environment where you can grow and make an impact.
Walk-In Interview Details
Positions Available: Officer, Senior Officer, Operator
Experience Required: 2+ years
Qualification: B.Pharm, B.Sc, 12th, or ITI
Interview Dates: 26th & 27th October 2024
Interview Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Venue: Pontika Aerotech Limited, Vill. John, P.O. Puruwala, Nahan Road, Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh
Contact Information
For inquiries, call +91-9805514664 or +91-7807888410
Company Website: www.pontikaaerotech.com